Gut Health

You May Be Addicted to Gluten

Do you constantly crave cookies, bread, cake, and pasta?

Have you ever tried going off gluten only to feel sick, tired, and anxious?

There’s a reason your body wants – needs – wheat to feel good:

Gluten has opioid effects… similar to opioid drugs like morphine… and you’re addicted.

But there is a simple way to reduce gluten’s addictive properties (even if you don’t want to quit cold baguette) 

Gluten Exorphins Act Like Morphine

Gluten is the primary protein found in grains like wheat and rye. When your body digests gluten, it breaks the protein down into smaller pieces, including particles called gluten exorphins.

Exorphins are opioid-like substances brought into your body through food or medications (as opposed to endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals your body produces on its own). Gluten produces very strong exorphins that latch onto special receptors throughout your body

Once attached to those receptors, gluten exorphins can affect how you feel and behave. Effects can include: 

  • Changes in pain perception
  • Increased gastrointestinal transit time (meaning it takes longer for food waste to turn into stool and exit your system)
  • Altered mood

Those effects are eerily similar to the effects of morphine and other opioid drugs

And just like with opioid drugs, the effects of gluten exorphins can be reversed by naloxone (the anti-morphine drug used to stop opioid overdoses). 

Gluten Can Hide the Symptoms It Causes

Gluten has another sinister power: Its opioid effects can mask the harmful actions of gluten in people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

For example, gluten sets off an autoimmune reaction and damages the gut, which normally causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and other noticeable symptoms. But the gluten exorphins can cover up those symptoms, so you don’t feel them – a condition called silent celiac disease. 

This is especially dangerous because you wouldn’t realize you have a significant health problem until extensive damage was done to your gut, causing things like severe malnutrition and chronic health issues.

And if you do decide to go off gluten, your body can go into severe withdrawals… sometimes lasting for week. Gluten withdrawal symptoms can include things like:

  • Stomachache
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fever and chills
That’s why so many people feel awful when they remove gluten from their diets, and feel better when they add it back in…even though it’s doing harm!

The key to successfully thwarting gluten calls for special support including a specific enzyme that breaks gluten exorphins down into harmless bits.

DPP-IV Fully Breaks Down Gluten Exorphins

Your body naturally produces an enzyme called DPP-IV (Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV). DPP-IV belongs to a family called proteases – enzymes responsible for breaking down complex proteins into nutrients your body can use more easily.

DPP-IV specializes in chopping up gluten proteins and exorphins into miniscule bits until they don’t interest opioid receptors or set off immune responses. 

Unfortunately, wheat can also act as a DPP-IV inhibitor, making it harder for your body to break down gluten

When the body isn’t producing enough DPP-IV or the enzyme is being inhibited by gluten (or other substances), supplementing with this targeted enzyme can help make sure wheat proteins get broken down completely. 

Plus, DPP-IV has also been used to help people with known gluten sensitivities manage accidental gluten ingestion, such as cross-contamination when eating in restaurants. 

And beefing up your DPP-IV supplies is just one step in protecting yourself against gluten addiction.

GlutenAway Neutralizes Gluten Proteins

Your body can best handle gluten when its proteins are fully broken down and easy to deal with.

Packed with gluten-digesting enzymes and powerful probiotics, Gluten Away supplies the support your body needs to break down gluten.

Gluten Away contains DPP-IV along with another well-studied gluten-busting enzyme called Tolerase-G. When these two enzymes team up, they work together to fully break down gluten proteins and gluten exorphins.

Along with those two powerful enzymes, Gluten Away also contains three gut supportive probiotics:

Bacillus subtilis is a clinically studied spore probiotic, well known for supporting optimal gut health. B. subtilis helps protect intestinal barrier function, a common target of damage by gluten proteins. A new line of research indicates that B. subtilis also appears to help break down gluten, making it a perfect component of Gluten Away. 

Bacillus coagulans, another proven strain of spore probiotic, arrives in your gut 100% alive and ready to go to work. B. coagulans works quickly and effectively to support gastrointestinal comfort. As soon as it arrives in your gut, B. coagulans helps balance your body’s inflammatory response and promote intestinal healing. 

Saccharomyces boulardii, a probiotic yeast, supports a healthy, balanced immune response, boosts digestive enzyme activity for more complete nutrient breakdown and absorption,  and helps stabilize intestinal barrier function. Preliminary research shows that S. boulardii may also help break down gluten proteins. 

Gluten Away helps break down gluten all the way. Try Gluten Away today!
